53123 – Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers


53123 – Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers
Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers conceptualize and produce designs for film, television, theatre and video productions, garments and textiles, displays and exhibits, and for other creative items such as jewellery and trophies. Theatre designers are employed by performing arts and broadcasting companies and by festivals; fashion designers are employed by clothing and textile companies or may be self-employed; and exhibit designers are employed by museums. Other creative designers in this unit group are employed by manufacturing establishments or may be self-employed.

Index of titles
Assistant costume designer
Clothing designer
Costume designer
Couturier - haute couture
Crest designer
Designer - theatre
Display designer - museums and art galleries
Embroidery designer
Exhibit designer
Exhibit designers supervisor
Exhibition designer - museums and art galleries
Fabric designer
Facilities designer
Fashion coordinator
Fashion designer
Fashion goods exhibit coordinator
Fashion stylist
Fashion wear designer
Fishing lure designer
Food stylist
Fur designer
Garment designer
Glove designer
Handbag designer
Hat designer
Jacket designer
Jewellery designer
Lighting designer
Luggage designer
Luggage stylist
Memorial designer
Museum designer
Museum exhibit designer
Novelties stylist
Pottery designer
Rug designer
Scene designer
Scene designer assistant
Set decorator - theatre and motion pictures
Set designer - theatre
Shoe designer
Show and demonstration designer
Sound designer
Stage scenery designer
Swimming pool designer
Textile designer
Theatre designer
Tile designer
Toy designer - arts and crafts
Trophy designer
Women's fashion designer


Main duties
This group performs some or all of the following duties:
Theatre designers
Design and create settings, scenic environments, properties, costumes and lighting for theatre, film and video productions, operas and ballets.
Fashion designers
Design and create clothing and accessories for men, women and children.
Exhibit designers
Plan and develop permanent and temporary or moveable exhibits and displays for museum exhibitions, trade shows, conventions, and other exhibitions.


Employment requirements
A university degree in fine arts or visual arts with specialization in theatre design, clothing design or exhibit design or completion of a college or art school program in theatre design, clothing design or exhibit design is required.
Creative ability, as demonstrated by a portfolio of work, is required.
Use of computer-aided design (CAD) software may be required.


Additional information
Designers may advance to supervisory and management positions.
Theatre designers may specialize in costume, lighting or set design; fashion designers may specialize in men's, women's or children's apparel or in different lines such as sportswear, footwear or formal wear.


Diorama maker - museums and art galleries (in 53100 Registrars, restorers, interpreters and other occupations related to museum and art galleries)
Graphic designers and illustrators (52120)
Industrial designers (22211)
Interior designers and interior decorators (52121)
Patternmakers - textile, leather and fur products (53125)
Tailors, dressmakers, furriers and milliners (64200)





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