

Open work permits for Hong Kong recent graduates





因此,这项公共政策允许向符合资格的香港居民,不论他们在加拿大或国外,签发为期最多三年的开放工签。最多3年并不是一定是3年,要根据护照有效期计算,护照还剩下6个月有效期(新新源移民),则开放工签有效期为6个月(移民局建议确保护照至少有效期3年,并且Tell us how long you want your work permit to be valid)。

开放工签项目持续时间为2021年2月8日到2025年2月7日,为期4年(延期了2年)。This public policy takes effect on February 8, 2021 and expires on February 7, 2025. The open work permit is valid for up to 3 years.



1.持有香港特别行政区的护照或者持有英国国民海外属民BNO护照(the United Kingdom to a British National Overseas);

2.申请人的符合要求的学历是10年内毕业的(加拿大境内有指定学校名单( https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/study-canada/study-permit/prepare/designated-learning-institutions-list.html  ),加拿大境外无指定学校名单),分为两种情况:

(1)post-secondary studies:


(2)graduate and post-graduate studies(新新源移民):

这类graduate学历需要为期至少1年,同时需要具有post-secondary degree or diploma, post-secondary学历完成后5年内要紧接着开始graduate学历的学习。that requires a post-secondary degree or diploma, which you completed no more than 5 years before you started the post-graduate program。


Note:如果是加拿大境外的学历(新新源移民),但是是degree学位,则不需要做WES学历认证,不过签证官有可能在审核过程中仍会需求。如果取得的学历是加拿大境外的post-secondary, graduate or post-graduate diploma学历,则必须做WES学历认证。


Note:   家人的开放工签不能基于开放工签,只能基于有效的学签和有效的雇主工签,或者基于6个月以上的temporary resident permit 。或者基于在加拿大境内等待永久居民审核。


If you apply for a work permit from outside Canada

If your work permit application is approved

You’ll get an approval letter that says you’re allowed to work in Canada. This letter is called the port of entry letter of introduction.

You should bring this letter with you when you travel to Canada and present it at the port of entry. This letter is not your work permit.

You’ll only get your work permit at the port of entry the day you arrive in Canada(新新源移民).

The work permit will outline

--the type of work you can do

--the employer you can work for

--where you can work

--how long you can work


If you’re outside Canada when your work permit application is approved
We’ll issue you a letter of introduction with a deadline to enter Canada. If you delay your travel to Canada, you might not be able to get the work experience you need before the permanent residence pathways for Hong Kong residents close on August 31, 2026.



Open work permits for Hong Kong recent graduates




Work permit: After you apply





Permanent residence pathways for Hong Kong residents:




Note:必须在加拿大境内申请,通过Canada Post’s epost ConnectTM系统申请。先发邮件给IRCC专有邮箱,收到确认邮件后。5个工作日内Canada Post会给您发邮件注册账号,然后使用epost Connect 来上传相关扫描件最终提交移民申请(新新源移民)。

We use Canada Post’s epost ConnectTM service to make sure your application stays secure and your privacy is protected throughout the application process. If you can’t apply online through epost, you may be able to apply another way.



此移民渠道针对目前在加拿大境内的香港居民及其家人。此渠道包含2个项目,包括Stream A: In-Canada graduates和Stream B: Canadian work experience(新新源移民),选择一个项目申请即可。此移民渠道持续时间为2021年6月1日-2026年8月31日。This public policy will be in effect from June 1, 2021, to August 31, 2026.

As of April 30, 2023, Canada has welcomed 3,122 permanent residents under the permanent residence pathways for Hong Kong residents (2,358 for Stream A and 764 for Stream B).



(一)Stream A: In-Canada graduates—加拿大境内的毕业生通道—新新源移民:

1. 持有香港特别行政区的护照或者持有英国国民海外属民BNO护照(the United Kingdom to a British National Overseas)(新新源移民);

2. 申请移民时和获批时申请人在加拿大境内(be physically present in Canada when you apply and when you get permanent residence),移民申请在加拿大境内申请;

3. 在加拿大具有有效的临时居留身份;

4. 意向定居加拿大任何身份,除了魁北克;

5. 加拿大境内指定学校的post-secondary学历毕业,毕业时间在申请移民的前3年之内。学历要做WES认证。要求至少50%的课程是加拿大境内完成,包括当面和网络在线课程(新新源移民)。学历必须是以下三种的一种:

(1)a diploma (not graduate or post-graduate) for a program of at least 2 years;

(2)a degree (associate, bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral);

(3)a graduate or post-graduate diploma or certificate for a program of at least 1 year ;

Note:如果是graduate or post-graduate diploma or certificate,必须首先已经完成了post-secondary diploma or degree(加拿大境内或境外均可,境内有学校名单),而且是开始graduate or post-graduate学历的前5年内完成的。

6. 语言要求:CLB5(英语或法语,如果是英语(新新源移民),比如雅思G类听读写说5455)。


(二)Stream B: Canadian work experience—加拿大工作经验通道—新新源移民:

1. 持有香港特别行政区的护照或者持有英国国民海外属民BNO护照(the United Kingdom to a British National Overseas);

2. 申请移民时和获批时申请人在加拿大境内(be physically present in Canada when you apply and when you get permanent residence),移民申请在加拿大境内申请;

3. 在加拿大具有有效的临时居留身份;

4. 意向定居加拿大任何身份,除了魁北克;

5. 2023年8月15日起,不再对Canadian work experience项目做学历要求。

As of August 15, 2023, if you apply for stream B (Canadian work experience), you no longer need post-secondary education to be eligible. Read the full announcement. This means that more Hong Kongers with Canadian work experience will be eligible for permanent residence, as they will no longer be restricted by their education status. It also simplifies the application process, as applicants will no longer be required to submit proof of education.



6.  语言要求:CLB5(英语或法语,如果是英语(新新源移民),比如雅思G类听读写说5455)。

7.  申请移民时,近3年在加拿大境内至少全职或等同的兼职工作满12个月((at least 1,560 hours in total))。工作不包含如下时间(新新源移民):全职学生、自雇、加拿大境外的工作、因病离岗、失业,长期在境外等。









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