加拿大部分职业在加拿大当地就业或者在申请移民时(比如萨省)就需要做相关的职业评估,有2个主流的职业评估如下:(1)计算机类职业:CIPS:Canada's Association of I.T. Professionals;(2)工程师类职业:Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS) 。具体评估详情如下:
一、CIPS:Canada's Association of I.T. Professionals--计算机类职业
ATIP Associate Information Technology Professional
ISP Information Systems Professional
至少有2年的工作经验。技能标准:Appropriate mastery of the CIPS Body of Knowledge (BOK)。适用于 IT managers, software developers, computer scientists, and business analysts.
ITCP Information Technology Certified Professional of Canada
至少有2年的工作经验。技能标准:Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) Level 5 or equivalent or above (新新源移民)。
The Information Systems Professional (I.S.P.)--新新源移民
(一)认可度:加拿大六省通认:SK, BC ,Alberta, ON,NB 和NS。澳洲ACS和新西兰NZCS也认可
1. Established Academic Route
2. IT Industry Leader Route
3. Established IT Professionals Route --新新源移民
4. Education Plus Experience Route 5.Exam Route
6. Professional Experience Only Route (Must have entered the field prior to 1976)
7. Upgrade from Candidate Membership (AITP) to I.S.P.
A. 道德考试CIPS Ethics Exam--新新源移民
1.所有非认可教育背景,都需要通过Ethics Exam考试
4.考试学习准备材料Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct 和Understanding the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct等。Code of Ethics 的内容http://www.cips.ca/ethics
5.考试目的:a. 熟悉CIPSCIPS道德准则原则及其含义 b. 提供需要应用道德准则的场景,测试申请人应用道德推理的能力并鼓励申请人如何应对与考试题类似的情况--新新源移民
6.考试网址 http://open2.senecac.on.ca/cips/mod/page/view.php?id=9 和http://open2.senecac.on.ca/cips/
B. 教育和工作年限要求--新新源移民
C. 申请材料----新新源移民
3.Course-by-course成绩单认证(认可机构IQAS, ICES, ACAS, WES, ICAS, Service des equivalence)
5.申请费250加币(信用卡支付,visa,master或American Express)。如果评估通过后,需要支付350加币 membership fee.
二、Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS) --工程类职业评估
APEGS -Membership Categories -新新源移民
1.Member-In-Training: 完成了成为专业会员(professional member)的学术要求(还没有满足工作经验要求,没有参加专业实践考试或没有提供专业推荐信)。只能在专业会员的监督下工作。(新新源移民)
2.Professional Member:达到专业会员所有要求。执照上不会写明领域。只能在能胜任的领域工作。
3.Engineering Liceisee /Geoscience Licensee:没有满足常规学术要求,教育和工作经验允许他们在某项具体或有限制的领域工作。(新新源移民)
4.Life Member: 65岁及以上退休人士。
5.Temporary Licensee:只颁发给德克萨斯或在墨西哥的专业工程师。
APEGS-Membership Requirements-新新源移民
1.Academic Requirement ( MIT必须满足学术要求)
2.Work Experience (4年经验,其中一年在北美,即加拿大或类似加拿大国家获得的。需要有Work Experience Reporting) (新新源移民)
3.English Language proficiency (接收多种考试,常见雅思A类总分6分/托福IBT80分)
4.Professional Practice Exam (关于加拿大法律,道德和专业实践的考试,非技术考试。每年安排在萨斯卡通或里贾纳,也会在世界其他地方有备选考场,需要申请并在考前2周进行通知)(新新源移民)
5.Good Character
萨省移民局SINP项目要求评估结果是engineer-in-training或者学术评估显示assigned confirmatory exams.
C.WES ICAP Course-by-course评估(新新源移民)
D.学术评估(academic assessment)费($210):APEGS将申请人的学术背景与加拿大的工程标准进行比对。
F.官方课程大纲(official program syllabi)(近十年内毕业需提供)
G.身份证明 (表格及护照公证或者律师签字,曾用名公证)
B.申请WES Course-by-course 评估
C.APEGS 收到申请并且确认即将进行学生评估(academic assessment),会在系统内进行通知并发学术评估费发票,需要在线支付$210费用(新新源移民)
D.收到WES报告后,申请人自己完成自评(在系统内 Academic Assessment form部分),完成此表并将此表发邮件给APEGS.邮箱为 AcademicReview@APEGS.ca
E.下载身份证明表格(proof of identification form),完成此表并将原件邮寄给APEGS
F.将简历和教学大纲(official program syllabi)发邮件给APEGS(新新源移民)
A.APEGS收到所有材料后,发邮件告知申请正“in progress” Your application for an academic review as part of your member-in-training application with APEGS is now complete. We have received all the documents we need and your file is now considered to be “in progress”. The estimated time for the academic assessment to be completed is one year from this date. (新新源移民)
B.可在线查状态,APEGS不会主动邮件等通知状态。学术评审委员会Academic Review Committee评估完后,会通过纸质邮寄方式通知。
A.Deficiencies: APEGS允许最多有6个deficiencies.补救措施有:参加认可的课程或者参加挑战考试(申请re-assessment,只有一次机会。Re-assessment的结果可能是有更多的deficiencies或者指定确认考试assign confirmatory exams)(新新源移民)
B.Confirmatory Exams: APEGS评估申请人满足了bachelor-level,会分配确认考试。
C.Waiving Confirmatory Exams:豁免考试的条件:申请人完成了硕士学位(理学或工学)或者博士学位(工学)。如果是本硕连读获得的硕士学位,不能豁免考试。
D.Application Approval:已经参加完考试或者考试被取消,APEGS会办法纸质通过信,证明已经被批准为engineer-in-training. 并会收到邮件通知可以查看状态,以及告知如何在线交年费。递交年费后,APEGS会邮寄给您印章。6周内证书被签署后也会邮寄。(新新源移民)
A.加拿大博士或硕士工程学位 (需要有4年本科工程学位)
B.华盛顿协议认可的学位 (中国2016年签署国之一)
D.Professional Level Mutual Recognition (香港,爱尔兰,澳大利亚和墨西哥)
E.加拿大毕业生(所持学位不是由Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board认可的)
Official Program Syllabi 官方课程大纲 (2018年1月1日起新要求)(新新源移民)
A program syllabus should outline the content of all the subjects you studied in your program. You must provide program syllabi for all the math, science and engineering subjects you took. 课程大纲需要概述你所有学习课程的内容。你必须提供所有有关数学,理科及工科的课程。
Program syllabi must be official documents published by the institution. Applicants must either provide a link to the appropriate location on the institution website or scanned versions of a hard copy publication, including the publishing information (usually on front and back inside and outside covers). 课程大纲必须是机构出版的正式文件。申请人必须提供官方网站的链接或者出版物的扫描件,需要包含出版信息(通常在封面或封底)。
Program syllabi must be from a time period that overlaps the time period that the applicant attended the institution. 课程大纲需要涵盖申请人在此机构学习的时间。(新新源移民)
An applicant must provide proof, in the form of a letter from the institution, to prove that official program syllabi are not available. 申请人必须提供来自学校的正式官方信件/证明以证明不能提供课程大纲。
If you are unable to get a letter from the institution, you must provide acceptable proof to APEGS that you have attempted, on more than one occasion and by more than one means, to obtain such a letter. 如果您无法从学校得到信件/证明,您必须提供APEGS可接受的证明,来证明您不止一次的以不同方式尝试获取此类信函。
If official program syllabi are not available, then the Academic Review Committee (ARC) will conduct their review without them. However, this lack of information may result in the assignment of exams. 如果官方课程大纲没有提供,那么学术评审委员会(ARC)将在没有课程大纲的情况下进行评审。但是缺少此信息可能导致被分配考试。
What are Official Course Descriptions? 什么是官方课程描述(20180101之前要求)
For course descriptions to be considered official by APEGS they must be published by the university either online or in hard copy and they must be from the time you attended, not the current program. APEGS认可的课程描述需要是学校发布的在线或纸质形式的,必须是申请人所学习时间的,而不是目前的。
If you obtained your course descriptions online, you must provide us with the link. 如果您是在线方式获得的课程描述,请提供给我们链接。
If your course descriptions are from a hard copy, we will accept a scanned copy. You must provide us with the front and back cover and any publication information at the beginning of the document. 如果您的课程描述是纸质形式,请提供扫描件。并必须提供首页和尾页显示出版信息的内容。
Only provide course descriptions for math, science, and engineering or geoscience courses.只提供数学,理学,工学和地理科学的课程描述(新新源移民)。
Ensure that the course names and numbers for the course descriptions match those on your transcript. If they do not, you must provide a guide to show how the course descriptions align with your transcript. 确保课程描述的课程名称和编号与成绩单上的课程名称和编号相匹配。如果不匹配,您必须提供一个指南说明课程描述与成绩单是怎样对应的。
If you are not able to get course descriptions from the time you attended, you must get them as close as possible to the time you attended. 如果无法提供申请人上学时的课程描述,必须提供一个尽量接近上学时间的课程描述。
If the university does not publish course descriptions, you may write your own, but you must have them signed by a professor in the department who will verify that they are an accurate representation of the course content. 如果大学没有发布课程描述,您可以自己写,但必须由所在院校的教授签名,证实这些是课程内容的准确描述。
If you are not able to obtain course descriptions, you must notify APEGS by sending an email to academicreview@apegs.ca. We will do the academic assessment without the course descriptions, but it may result in you being assigned deficiencies, if the academic review committee cannot determine that certain content has been covered. 如果您不能得到课程描述,您必须通过邮件通知APEGS。我们将在没有课程描述的情况下进行评估,如果学术评估委员会不能确定所包含内容,可能导致结果为不足(deficiencies)。
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