加拿大雇主LMIA(Labour Market Impact Assessment)


加拿大雇主LMIA(Labour Market Impact Assessment)


雇主申请费为1000加币/每个职位,可以使用Visa、MasterCard、American Express支付。


雇主为拟招募的外国技能工作者申请LMIA,需要提供符合法律规定的job offer(工资及环境等,关于工资线请参考: https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/foreign-workers/service-tables.html#tbl-2 ),同时需要做招聘努力,证明无法找到本地公民和永久居民填补该职位。

LMIA招募努力:分为low-wage positions及high-wage positions,申请LMIA前,至少开展3个不同的招聘活动,招聘广告平台要有全国性的(如下详情)。招聘广告要持续至少3个月。

申请LMIA,需要提供相关材料:比如LMIA Application form、job offer、Proof of advertisement、Proof of business legitimacy,其中公司商业合法性文件有:注册信息、资产负债表、收入表、商业活动信息、税收、财务状况等等。

Proof of business legitimacy: https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/foreign-workers/business-legitimacy.html 

LMIA申请官方链接参考: https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/foreign-workers/permanent/apply.html 



Government of Canada’s Job Bank

Work in BC: https://www.workbc.ca/Employer-Resources.aspx 

saskjobs: https://www.saskjobs.ca/jsp/account/login/confidential/login-required.jsp  

Quebec: http://www.emploiquebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/ 

general employment websites
online classified websites
specialized websites which are dedicated to specific occupational profiles (for example, accounting, marketing, biotechnology, education, engineering)
local, regional and national newspapers or newsletters
local stores, places of worship, and community resource centres
local, regional and provincial or territorial employment centres
magazines and journals (for example, national journals or magazines, professional associations magazines, specialized journals)
participation at job fairs
partnering with training institutions or offering internships
professional recruitment agencies
consultations with unions for available labour
advertising through professional associations
recruitment within the company (for example, considering internal candidates for the position). A Human Resources Plan may outline the training opportunities for existing employees, and include:a list of competencies for employees
workshops or programs for professional development and career management
specific programs to target specific employees for advancementGovernment of Canada’s Job Bank、



What is a Labour Market Impact Assessment?
A Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is a document that an employer in Canada may need to get before hiring a foreign worker.

A positive LMIA will show that there is a need for a foreign worker to fill the job. It will also show that no Canadian worker is available to do the job. A positive LMIA is sometimes called a confirmation letter.


Find out if you need an LMIA:



How to apply an LMIA:



Recruitment and advertisement:




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