22213 – Land survey technologists and technicians



22213 – Land survey technologists and technicians
Land survey technologists and technicians conduct or participate in surveys to determine the exact locations and relative positions of natural features and other structures on the earth's surface, underground and underwater. They are employed by all levels of government, architectural and engineering firms, and by private sector surveying establishments.


Index of titles
Engineering survey technician
Engineering survey technologist
Geodetic survey technician
Geodetic survey technologist
Geomatics technician - land surveying
Geomatics technologist - land surveying
Instrument man/woman - surveying
Land survey technician
Land survey technologist
Legal survey assistant
Legal survey technician
Legal survey technologist
Plane table operator - surveying
Topographic survey technician
Topographic survey technologist
Transit man/woman - surveying
Transit operator - surveying


Main duties
This group performs some or all of the following duties:

Land survey technologists
Assist survey engineers or professional surveyors to develop methods and procedures for conducting field surveys
Conduct field surveys and operate survey instruments and computer equipment to measure distance, angles, elevations and contours
Record measurements and other information obtained during field survey activities
Determine precise geographic locations using global positioning system (GPS) equipment or unmanned aerial vehicule (UAV)/drone
Analyze latitude, longitude and angles and compute trigonometric and other calculations to plot features, contours and areas to a specific scale
Prepare detailed drawings, charts and plans and survey notes and reports
Supervise and coordinate field survey activities.

Land survey technicians
Participate in field surveys and operate survey instruments and devices
Keep records, measurements and other survey information in systematic order
Assist in the calculation, analysis and computation of measurements obtained during field surveys
Assist in the preparation of detailed drawings, charts and plans.


Employment requirements
Completion of secondary school is usually required.
Completion of a two- to three-year college program in geomatics or land survey technology is usually required for land survey technologists.
Completion of a one- to two-year college program in geomatics or land survey technology is usually required for land survey technicians.
Certification by provincial associations of technicians and technologists may be required by some employers.
In Quebec, membership in the regulatory body for professional technologists is required to use the title "Professional Technologist."


Additional information
Geomatics is an interdisciplinary field encompassing the collection, analysis and presentation of geographically referenced data.
Land survey technologists and technicians may specialize in one of the following types of surveys: geodetic survey, topographic survey, legal (cadastral) survey or engineering survey.
Mobility is possible between the various occupations in this unit group.
Progression to land surveyor position is possible with completion of professional surveyor examinations and certification.
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.


Drafting technologists and technicians (22212)
Urban planning technician; land use technician (in 22300 Civil engineering technologists and technicians)
Geological technologist; hydrographic survey technologist; mine survey technologist; geophysical technologist (in 22101 Geological and mineral technologists and technicians)
Land surveyors (21203)
Technical occupations in geomatics and meteorology (22214)





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