41320 – Educational counsellors



41320 – Educational counsellors
Educational counsellors advise current and prospective students on educational issues, career planning and personal development, and coordinate the provision of counselling services to students, parents, teachers, faculty and staff. They are employed by school boards and post-secondary educational institutions.


Index of titles
Academic adviser
Academic counsellor
Academic skills counsellor
Career counsellor - education
College counsellor
Co-op officer - schools
Co-op placement officer - school
Co-op program coordinator - school
Counselling intern
Counsellor for Aboriginal students
Education officer
Educational counsellor
Educational guidance director
First Nations counsellor - education
First Nations studies program academic adviser
Guidance counsellor - education
Guidance service head
Independent or applied studies officer
Indigenous advisor – college
International student adviser
Learning and study skills specialist
Personal academic counsellor
Personal counsellor - education
School adjustment officer
School counsellor
School guidance department head
Student affairs and employment officer
Student counsellor
Student employment services coordinator
Student services counsellor
University counsellor
Vocational counsellor - education
Vocational guidance counsellor - education


Main duties
This group performs some or all of the following duties:
Counsel students regarding educational issues such as course and program selection, time tables and scheduling, school adjustment, attendance problems and study skills
Counsel students regarding career or vocational issues including career exploration and planning, résumé preparation, job interview skills and job search strategies and make available to them a wide range of educational and occupational information
Coordinate co-op and school-to-work transition programs, and the provision of counselling and information services, such as career information, professional development sessions and exchanges with other educational institutions, to students, parents, teachers, faculty and staff
Consult with teachers and parents or faculty and other professionals such as psychologists, speech therapists and social workers regarding various issues and concerns, and with administrators and community agencies regarding programs and referrals
Administer and interpret standardized intelligence, personality, vocational, aptitude and interest tests
Develop and coordinate study skills groups or workshops in high schools, colleges and universities on topics such as note-taking, test or examination anxiety and preparation strategies and time management skills
Visit colleges and secondary schools to provide academic information to prospective students, their parents and educational counsellors
Coordinate or participate in student orientation programs in colleges or universities
Arrange for employers to recruit graduating college and university students, and students for co-op education work terms
Counsel students regarding personal and social issues such as substance abuse, depression, sexuality, eating disorders, anxiety, self-esteem, family problems, relationship and interpersonal skills and anger management
Counsel students in crisis situations such as dealing with the death of a friend or family member, suicidal tendencies and abuse situations
May supervise peer counselling programs in school settings
May supervise field experience for graduate students in counselling
May teach regular classes.


Employment requirements
A bachelor's degree in counselling, career development, education or social sciences is required for counsellors in school settings.
A master's degree in counselling psychology or a related field such as educational psychology, developmental psychology or social work is usually required.
Educational counsellors in post-secondary settings require an undergraduate degree and may require a graduate degree. A particular academic specialization may also be required.
In Quebec, membership in L'Ordre des conseillers et conseillères d'orientation is mandatory to use the titles ''vocational counsellor'', “guidance counsellor” and “vocational guidance counsellor”.
A teacher's certificate in the province of employment and some teaching experience is usually required for counsellors in school settings.
Educational counsellors in colleges and universities may require licensing from a provincial regulatory body governing psychologists, educational counsellors or social workers.


Additional information
Educational counsellors in colleges, universities and other settings may specialize in academic, career or personal issues counselling.
Elementary school counsellors generally provide more social and personal counselling whereas academic counselling is provided more by high school counsellors.
Vocational counsellors in Quebec may also provide professional orientation to individuals with a mental illness, disabilities, and those with adaptation difficulties. Those with specific training may also perform certain mental health assessment.


Career development practitioners and career counsellors (except education) (41321)
Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies (41301)
School psychologist (in 31200 Psychologists )
Secondary school teachers (41220)
Social workers (41300)





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