12100 – Executive assistants



12100 – Executive assistants
Executive assistants coordinate administrative procedures, public relations activities and research and analysis functions for members of legislative assemblies, ministers, deputy ministers, corporate officials and executives, committees and boards of directors. They are employed by governments, corporations and associations.


Index of titles
Committee clerk
Constituency aid
Constituency assistant
Corporate secretary
Executive assistant
Legislative assistant
Medical information assistant
Ministerial assistant
Parliamentary assistant
Parliamentary committee clerk
Special assistant


Main duties
This group performs some or all of the following duties:
Establish and coordinate administrative policies and procedures for officials, committees and boards of directors
Analyze incoming and outgoing memoranda, submissions and reports and prepare and coordinate the preparation and submission of summary briefs and reports to executives, committees and boards of directors
Prepare agendas and make arrangements for committee, board and other meetings
Conduct research, compile data, and prepare papers for consideration and presentation by executives, committees and boards of directors
Meet with individuals, special interest groups and others on behalf of executives, committees and boards of directors to discuss issues and assess and recommend various courses of action
Liaise with departmental and corporate officials and with other organizations and associations on behalf of executives, committees and boards of directors.


Employment requirements
Completion of secondary school is required.
A bachelor's degree in public administration, political science or a related discipline is usually required.
Experience in a related administrative occupation is usually required.


Additional information

Administrative officers (13100)
Conference and event planners (12103)
Executive secretary (except legal and medical) (in 13110 Administrative assistants)


