海牙认证&使馆认证文件类型(Document Type)




Standard Documents

    Birth Certificate*
    Adoption Certificates*
    Marriage Certificate*
    Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage*
    Death certificate/Coroners certificate*
    Deed Polls signed by a solicitor
    Affidavits signed by a solicitor or notary
    Decree Nisi/Absolute & Annulments
    Court Stamped Documents
    Probate documents
    Deeds & Wills signed by a solicitor
    Certificates of Good Standing
    Power of Attorney & Letters of Authorisation (witnessed by a solicitor or notary)
    Notary Oaths
    National Identification Certificates
    Disclosure Scotland Certificates signed by a solicitor*
    HM Revenue and Customs letters signed by an HMRC officer
    Certificate of Residence documents signed by an HMRC officer
    Confirmation of Residence documents signed by an HMRC officer
    Criminal record checks (CRB)*
    ACPO or ACRO Certificates*
    NPCC Certificates*
    Police Letters*
    Agreements and Mandates (witnessed by a solicitor or notary)

Company Documents

    Company Certificates of Incorporation
    Memorandum and Articles of Association
    Meeting Minutes
    Annual Returns
    Tax Certificates
    Other company related documents

Personal Documents 

    Awards and Degrees (UK issued) - we normally legalise a photo copy, not the original**
    Diplomas & Transcripts - we normally legalise a photo copy, but we still need to see the original**
    Passports - we can only legalise a photo copy, not the original**
    Permits & Identity Documents - we normally legalise a photo copy, not the original**
    Apprenticeship & Indenture Certificates - we normally legalise a photo copy, not the original**
    Baptism & Confirmation Certificates - we normally legalise a photo copy, not the original**
    Bills of Sale and Proof of Ownership**
    Plans & Schematics**
    Private papers & Letters of Administration**



Birth Certificates:

出生证明:当在其他国家报出生或证明身份时,需要英国出生证明的海牙认证。有长的出生证明(含姓名、出生地点、出生日期、父母信息)和短的出生证明(含姓名、出生地点和出生日期)。着重推荐做一般情况下的长版出生证明海牙认证。而且 必须是原件认证,扫描件不行,律师或公证机构的公证件也不行。1-2个工作日海牙认证

Certificate of Good Standing:


Certificate of Incorporation


Certificate of no Impediment

无障碍证明或未婚证明:如果你是英国公民,计划在海外结婚,你会被要求做这份未婚证明的海牙认证。主要用来确定没有结婚的障碍。The certificate of no impediment is produced in the UK by your local registry office.  After the registry office has checked your documentation a notice will be displayed for up to 28 days before the certificate is issued. 1-2个工作日海牙认证。

Marriage Certificates


Criminal Record Checks - ACPO


The most common documents we see are-

Disclosure and Baring Service (DBS) 
Basic Disclosure
Enhanced Disclosure
Disclosure Scotland
Police Letters
Some criminal record checks are issued with a signature from the issuing body (such as ACRO) and others are issued unsigned (such as DBS) and therefore solicitor certification which we we can do for you. Most DBS basic disclosures, enhanced disclosures and disclosure Scotland certificates need to be signed by a UK solicitor or notary before the apostille.


Police Letters


When providing evidence that you do not have a criminal history you can request a letter from the police that states you have no criminal record. Police letters are an alternative to the disclosure documents (DBS) and NPCC (Previously called ACPO or ACRO) certificates that are commonly used. Many police letters are issued by NPCC but others are issued by your local police force. 

Death Certificates


Decree Absolute


Degree Certificate

学位证书:海外申请工作时需要做海牙认证。有的海外机构只需要公证件的海牙认证,有的海外机构需要原件的海牙认证。比较普通的是用公证件就行。also legalise professional or vocational training documents。

Employment Letters

工作证明:用来证明申请人曾经在英国工作或目前在英国工作。This is often used to avoid double taxation for foreign nationals or to continue employment overseas.Furthermore, this document may be used to prevent double taxation for foreign nationals living and working in the UK. In this case the document may be legalised in combination with a p60 or certificate of residency. 1-2个工作日海牙认证。

Grant of Probate


Last Will and Testament


HMRC Certificate of Residence


HMRC Confirmation of residency


HMRC Letters

If you need to prove that you are a UK resident for tax purposes or pay taxes in the UK or prove that you receive an income in the UK you may need to obtain a document from HM Revenue and Customs confirming this. These documents are produced in different formats depending on the office that you request the letter from.1-2个工作日海牙认证。


P60收入证明:是应该雇主签发的,证明雇员在近一财年的收入细节。包括雇主信息、雇员信息、薪资报税信息、国家保险情况等。对于国外雇员,可以凭此文件向母国证明已在英国报税。Solicitor certification is required for this type of document. 1-2个工作日海牙认证。

The typical format of this document will include-

Employee's details
Pay and Income Tax details
National Insurance contributions
Statutory payments
Employer's details


护照:The Apostille will always be issued to a photocopy of the passport and the original remains untouched. 扫描件即可认证,需要先律师公证或公证处公证。1-2个工作日海牙认证。

Power of Attorney


Situations may arise in which you need someone to act on your behalf in a legal capacity. This can often necessitate the use of a power of attorney. When issuing a power of attorney to an overseas agent you may be asked to get an apostille to ensure the document is legally recognised in the country it is being presented.

Before sending this document to us, please ensure this is signed in the presence of a UK solicitor or Notary Public. The solicitor or notary should witness your signature, add a statement confirming why they are certifying this and also date the certification. 
This statement could be, for example -

Witnessed by
Signed in my presence
Signed before me


Statutory Declaration(附声明模板word,请见常用表格forms)


Common reasons people make a statutory declaration include-

Changing their name
Confirming they are free to marry
Confirming a previous marriage is now dissolved
Confirming their own identity with passport information
Confirming a document is an exact copy of the original
Confirming a legal document has been lost




各国无犯罪证明(Police Certificate)、海牙认证(Apostille)、领事认证(Legalization)办理- © Copyright - 新新对公--跨国文件综合对公服务 京ICP备2021006529号-2/ 京公网安备11010502045277号