



USA美国无犯罪记录FBI Identity History Summary Checks  

服务链接:  http://www.newnewland.com/?/article/id-1261/index.html

Canada加拿大无犯罪记录RCMP Criminal Record Check

服务链接:  http://www.newnewland.com/?/article/id-1268/index.html  

Finland 芬兰无犯罪记录 Extract from the Criminal Records

服务链接:  http://www.newnewland.com/?/article/id-1262/index.html  

France 法国无刑事犯罪记录 Criminal Record (bulletin n°3)  

服务链接:  http://www.newnewland.com/?/article/id-1294/index.html 

England 英国无犯罪记录 United Kingdom Police Clearance  

服务链接:  http://www.newnewland.com/?/article/id-1271/index.html 

Ireland 爱尔兰无犯罪记录 Police Certificate  

服务链接:  http://www.newnewland.com/?/article/id-1263/index.html

Poland波兰无犯罪记录Police Certificate

服务连接:  http://www.newnewland.com/?/article/id-1277/index.html

Belgium 比利时无犯罪记录 Police Certificate

服务链接: http://www.newnewland.com/?/article/id-1288/index.html

Portugal葡萄牙无犯罪记录 Certificado do Registo Criminal

服务链接: http://www.newnewland.com/?/article/id-1286/index.html   

Germany 德国无犯罪记录德国无犯罪Certificate of Conduct  

服务链接: http://www.newnewland.com/?/article/id-1273/index.html

Luxembourg卢森堡无犯罪记录Bulletin no. 3

服务链接: http://www.newnewland.com/?/article/id-1289/index.html 

The Netherlands荷兰无犯罪证明Certificate of Good Conduct

服务链接: http://www.newnewland.com/?/article/id-1292/index.html  

Sweden瑞典无犯罪记录 Criminal Record

服务链接: http://www.newnewland.com/?/article/id-1276/index.html 

Switzerland瑞士无犯罪记录Excerpt from the Swiss criminal records (Privatauszug)

服务链接: http://www.newnewland.com/?/article/id-1278/index.html 

Australia 澳大利亚无犯罪证明 National Police Certificate  

服务链接: http://www.newnewland.com/?/article/id-1269/index.html 

Queensland澳洲昆士兰交通记录Queensland Traffic Histroy

服务连接: http://www.newnewland.com/?/article/id-1270/index.html 

New Zealand新西兰无犯罪记录Request your own Criminal Conviction History

服务连接: http://www.newnewland.com/?/article/id-1282/index.html 

Macao SAR 澳门无犯罪记录 Certificate of Criminal Record

服务链接: http://www.newnewland.com/?/article/id-1283/index.html

Hong Kong SAR中国香港无犯罪记录Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (CNCC)

服务连接: http://www.newnewland.com/?/article/id-1285/index.html 

Taiwan中国台湾无犯罪记录Police Criminal Record Certificate

服务连接:  http://www.newnewland.com/?/article/id-1284/index.html   

Republic of Korea韩国无犯罪记录Criminal (Investigation) Records Check Reply (범죄· 수사경력 회보서)  

服务链接: http://www.newnewland.com/?/article/id-1281/index.html 

Japan日本无犯罪证明 Police Certificate

服务链接: http://www.newnewland.com/?/article/id-1150/index.html 

Malaysia马来西亚无犯罪记录Certificate of Good Conduct

服务连接: http://www.newnewland.com/?/article/id-1275/index.html 

Thailand泰国无犯罪记录Backgroud Police Certificate  

服务连接: http://www.newnewland.com/?/article/id-1279/index.html  

Singapore新加坡无犯罪记录Certificate of Clearance (COC)  

服务连接: http://www.newnewland.com/?/article/id-1264/index.html        






国际无犯罪证明名称(Call What)


Police Clearance Certificate

Police Criminal Record

Penal Clearance

Certificate of Good Conduct

Certificate of No Criminal Conviction

Non-Conviction Certificate


Different names police clearance form is called

Police Clearance Certificate (Nigeria)
Police extracts
Good citizen certificate (Hong Kong)
Good conduct certificate or Certificate of Good Conduct(Nigeria)
National Police History Check (Australia)
Criminal Record Check
Judicial Record Extracts (UK, Australia)
NPF Character Clearance (Nigeria)


Reference note about conviction 阿塞拜疆


Argentina - Police Certificate of Good Conduct (Certificado de Antecedentes Penales) - Registro Nacional de Reincidencia
Austria - Certificate of the Penal Registry (Strafregisterbescheinigung) - Bundespolizeikommissariat
Belgium - Extract from Judicial Record - Federal Public Service Justice
Canada - Certified Criminal Record Check (based on name and fingerprints) - Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
China - Notary Certificate of No Criminal Convictions - Notary Public Office in each province of previous residences in China)
Denmark - Crime Certificate (Privat Straffeattest) - local police station
Finland - Extract from Criminal Records (Rikosrekisteriote) - Legal Register Office
France - Extract from Police Records (Extrait du Casier Judiciaire Bulletin N°3) - French Criminal Records Office
Germany - Police Certificate of Conduct (Polizeiliches Führungszeugnis) - Logal registration office in your place of residence
Greece - Penal Certificate for General Use - Client Service Centre / Ministry of Justice
HongKong (SAR) - Certificate of No Criminal Conviction - Police Identification Bureau
Iceland - Criminal Record Certificate for Private Use (Sakavottord) - personally at the nearest office of the District5 Commissioner
Ireland - Police Certificate of Character - local Garda station
Israel - Certificate Attesting Existence/Non-Existence of a Criminal Record (Teudat Hameidah Al Rishoum/Header Rishoum Plili) - at any police station
Italy - General Penal Certificate (Certificato Generale del Casellario Giudiziale) / Solicitor General’s Certificate of Pending Charges (Certificato dei Carichi Pendenti della Procura) - Criminal Records Office (Procura della Repubblica) in your place of residence
Japan - Police Clearance Certificate - Prefecture Police Office
Jordan - Penal Clearance/Non-Conviction Certificate - Ministry of Justice
Liechtenstein - Criminal Record Excerpt (Gesuch um Strafregisterauszug) - Fürstlich Liechtensteinisches Landgericht
Lithuania - Criminal Record Check - Lietuvos Respublikos vidaus reikalu ministerijos priimamaji Vilniuje Sventaragio g, 2 (Ministry of Internal Affairs)
Luxembourg - Penal Certificate, Bulletin No. 3 (Extrait du Casier Judiciaire) - Cite Judiciaire
Mexico - Certificate of Non-Criminal Record (Certificado de No Antecedentes Penales) - Secretaria de Gobernación,  Comisión Nacional de Seguridad,  Calzada de Tlalpan number 2962,  Colonia Espartaco,  04870,  Mexico City
Netherlands - Certificate of Good Conduct ( Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag 'VOG') - Population Affairs Department (Burgerzaken/Publiekszaken) of the municipality where you are registered
New Zealand - Police Clearance - Criminal Records Unit, Ministry of Justice
Norway - Transcript from Police Records (Politiattest) - Politiets enhet for vandelskontroll og politiattester
Poland - Request for Information about a Person (Zapytanie o Karalnosc – Zapytanie o udzielenie Informacji o Osobie) - directly from the KRK page of the Polish Ministry of Justice website
Russian Federation - Police Certificate - Main Information Centre for Ministry of Interior,
Novocheryomushinskaya Street 67, MOSCOW
Spain - Certificado de Antecedentes Penales - Ministerio de Justicia / Ministerio del Interior
South Korea - Background Check (Criminal Records) Certificate - nearest police station
Sweden - Extract from the Criminal Records Registry - For Purposes in Another Country (Utdrag ur, Belastnings registret) - RIKSPOLISSTYRELSEN, Utlandsutdrag/Brud, 981 81 Kiruna, SWEDEN
Switzerland - Exerpt from Swiss Criminal Records (Gesuch um Auszug aus dem schweizerischen Strafregister Demande d’extrait du Casier Judiciaire Suisse Domanda d’estratto del Casellario Giudiziale Svizzero) - Federal Office of Justice, Swiss Criminal Records Section, Service for Private Individuals, Bundesrain 20, 3003 Berne, Switzerland
Taiwan - Police Criminal Record Certificate - Foreign Affairs Division of any city / provincial police headquarters
Turkey - Archived Penal Clearance (Arsivli Sabika Kaydi) - Public Prosecutor’s Office in your city of residence
United Kingdom - ACPO Police Certificate - The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO)
United States of America - FBI Identity History Summary & State Police Clearance for each State in which you have lived for at least 3 months for the last 12 months - FBI CJIS Division – Record Request, 1000 Custer Hollow Road, Clarksburg, WV 26306, USA

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