The sinp Entrepreneur and International Graduate Entrepreneur category 


The Entrepreneur category will invite Expression of Interest (EOI) candidates from the EOI pool on January 6, 2022; March 3, 2022; and May 5, 2022.

On a temporary basis, exploratory visits completed on or after March 18, 2019 will be accepted. This temporary measure will end after Canada’s travel restrictions are lifted and then visits must again be conducted within 12 months of EOI submission in order to be awarded points. Candidates must have completed the exploratory visit before EOI submission to claim points for an Exploratory Visit.

Candidates cannot change their business plan after applying and cannot change their Business Performance Agreement after SINP approval. You can visit the following page for information about starting a business in Saskatchewan: Immigrate and Start a Business.



Entrepreneur Category 企业家

七、萨省企业家移民项目(Entrepreneur Category )-新新源移民
(2)商业和个人净资产达到50万加币;近10年具有至少3年相关商业和企业经验;意向投资30万加币in Regina and Saskatoon 或者20万加币in all other Saskatchewan communities。
(4)提供Business Establishment Plan (BEP),申请人股份占比至少1/3 除非总投资100万加币;需要创造2个就业机会给萨省公民或永久居民如果是新建企业的话。



八:毕业生企业家计划:International Graduate Entrepreneur Category 

Please call our office at 833-613-0485 if you have questions about a business plan. We are currently inviting all Expressions of Interest from those who meet the minimum criteria. You qualify if your business plan is eligible and you:

Reside in Saskatchewan and are at least 21 years of age.
Have completed a two-year, full-time post-secondary degree or diploma from a Saskatchewan institution while living in the province.
Have a valid Post-Graduate Work Permit.
Have a minimum Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level of 7.


Program Requirements

These requirements must be met by anyone applying to the SINP International Graduate Entrepreneur Stream. It is your responsibility to include supporting documents to show you meet the eligibility criteria.

Minimum Eligibility Criteria to Submit an EOI:
Are at least 21 years of age.
Have completed a full-time post-secondary degree or diploma of at least two years from an eligible Saskatchewan institution.
Have a valid Post-Graduate Work Permit, with at least 24 months remaining.
Have lived in Saskatchewan during their academic program (no distance-learning programs or accelerated academic program are eligible).
Have a minimum Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level of 7.
Those who meet eligibility criteria and are invited to apply and must be able to show knowledge of their Business Establishment Plan (BEP).



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